Frost Protection

What is frost?

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Frost refers as formation of ice crystals on surface when the temperature of the atmosphere drops from 5 to 0°C. During frost condition the extracellular water within the plant freezes from liquid to ice causes plant cell to death.
What is fog?

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When the moist air/water vapor rises and cools, then the water vapour condenses form tiny droplets of water near the ground surface then it is called fog.
What is cold wave?

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When there is a rapid drop in temperature within a day due to which the atmospheric air becomes very cold then it is called cold wave.

VNR Bihi Plants faces problem due to frost, fog and cold wave during winters mainly in the northern parts of India.

Symptoms of Cold waves and frost on VNR Bihi Plants –

  • In winters uptake of fertilizer becomes difficult hampering plant physiology
  • Once the plant is struck with cold wave or captured under frost the leaves lose its green colour (Chlorophyll) & becomes brown/purple.
  • Due to the frost the flowers drop off and fruits become hard & mummified.
  • Leaves, flowers, and fruits dry up. Spots appear on the fruit and the taste also deteriorates.
  • Frost slows down the plant’s growth
  • There is a possibility of Plant death due to lack of nutrients.

Frost Damage plants of VNR Bihi – Guava Plants

How to safeguard VNR Bihi Plants from cold wave and frost?

Growers can get the details of the current and upcoming month’s weather forecast from the nearest KVK or SAU or from different website as per following links:

Mark the days of the month in which the minimum temperature is likely to be less than 5°C. In said days given measures can be followed to prevent the plants from frost damage –

  1. Reducing the effect of frost by smoke

Effect of frost can be reduced by burning dung/grass/debris on the wind movement direction. Smoke increases the temperature of the wind and protect from frost. Temperature drops from midnight so farmers ensure that smoke create from during midnight to early morning. Generally, farmers in North India practice burning residues.













2. Covering VNR Bihi plant.

The effects of frost can be reduced by covering newly planted VNR Bihi Plants with gunny bags, polythene, straw.

3. Covering the boundary

Old cotton sarees or shade nets can be used on boundaries or individual plants to reduce the impact of frost.

4. Windbreaks

Boundary plants such as Bael, Mosambi, Jackfruit, Jamun, Mulberry, Acacia, Karonda, Neem can be planted. It may reduce the effect of frost and cold wind to the main crop.

5. Orchard Management during winters –

  • Regular care of the plants is needed to get early growth. Fertigation/nutrient management needs to be given.
  • In peak winters roots are partially able to uptake nutrients and supply it to other parts of the plant, due to which plants health become weak. Hence, there is a risk of damage to the plant.
  • It has been experienced that foliar spray of fertilizers has helped to overcome the nutrient deficiency during winters. Growers can spray 19:19:19 Fertilizer @ 3 grams per litre of water followed by Multimicronutrient mixture @ 2 – 3 grams per litre of water at 10 days intervals. Spraying needs to be done during midday when the field is having more day light on sunshine.

6. Mulching

Organic or Inorganic mulching helps to regulate soil temperature and maintain soil ecology for proper nutritional uptake.

7. Irrigation

  • During low temperature irrigating the field in late evening (5 – 7 PM) will maintain the soil temperature (Irrigation in the crop increases the temperature from 0.5 ° to 2 ° C) and reduce the risk of frost damage.

  • Required Volume of water = 10 – 15 Litre per plant.