Fruit Vendors: Adilabad, Telangana

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The listing of Adilabad Fruit Vendors, who have registered and interested in selling VNR Bihi–comprises of whole sellers from Vinayak chowk & other markets.

#Business Name
Contact Person
1Bismillah Khan
Mahmood Khan
Vinayak chowk, Near municipal office, Adilabad-5040019440125354
2A. M. G.
Abdul Mannan
Vinayak chowkk, Near municipal office, Adilabad-5040019908247254
3Mohmed jameel ahmed & Sons
MD. Jameel Ahmed
Vinayak chowk, Near municipal office, Adilabad-5040019550222271
A Rajanna
Shivaji Chowk, Adilabad-5040019440517280
5Haji shaik mahamood
Haji sahab
Vinayak chowk, Near municipal office, Adilabad-5040018522039420
Haji Mohammad
Vinayak chowk, Near municipal office, Adilabad-5040019441777419

Note: If you find any discrepancy or error in contact details of fruit vendors, please send us an e-mail at contact at OR call at our phone numbers and get it corrected.