The listing of Udaipur Fruit Vendors, who have registered and interested in selling VNR Bihi–comprises of whole sellers from New Sabzi Mandi.
# | Business Name Contact Person | Address | Contact |
1 | Bachumal Fruit Co. Pankaj Lalwani | 30, New Sabzi Mandi, Udaipur-313002 | 9414155876 |
2 | Shree Krishna Fruit Co. Raj Kumar | 37, New Sabzi Mandi, Udaipur-313002 | 9414168365 |
3 | Usmangani Fruit Co. Usmangani | 23, New Sabzi Mandi, Udaipur-313002 | 9414164084 |
4 | Md. Arif Lal Md Fruit Co. Md. Nizamuddin | 1/ 31, New Sabzi Mandi, Udaipur-313002 | 9950899471 |
5 | Chand Md Lal Md Qureshi & Co. Md. Amir | 31, New Sabzi Mandi, Udaipur-313002 | 9887504632 |
6 | Ishar Singh Fruit Co. Dharamveer Singh | 35, New Sabzi Mandi, Udaipur-313002 | 9414156496 |
Note: If you find any discrepancy or error in contact details of fruit vendors, please send us an e-mail at contact at OR call at our phone numbers and get it corrected.