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Guava – VNR Bihi > Characteristics
VNR Bihi is Research-led innovative Guava Variety. This variety is developed by VNR Nursery–a private research organization in horticulture sector. VNR Bihi is India’s biggest Guava. It is unique in all aspects.

Guava –VNR Bihi >Botanical Classification
- Kingdom: Plantae
- Family: Myrtaceae
- Genus: Psidium
- Botanical name – Psidium guajava
- Native – Central America
Guava –VNR Bihi >Features
- Big size attractive fruit
- Average Fruit size–300 — 1000 grams per fruit
- Uniform & appealing fruit color
- Less seed cavity area and very thick Pericarp
- Early fruiting variety, harvesting suggested from 2nd year onwards
- Prolific bearer variety
- Suitable for all types of soil
- Staggered harvesting as fruit can stay up for 10-12 days in plant
- Suitable for long distance transport
- Longer shelf life of 15 days–if stored in refrigerated condition can stay up to 30 days
- Good balance of Acid and Sugar
- TSS – 10 – 11° Brix
- Maximum profitability
Specialized and balanced agricultural practices:
- Year long fruiting is possible in tropical regions
- Capacity to take maximum production
- Production possible in water scarcity area and high humidity region
Guava –VNR Bihi >Health Benefits
- Guava has a positive effect on heart health by lowering blood pressure, decreasing cholesterol level.
- It prevents or reduce diarrhoea and constipation.
- It is low in calories which helps in weight loss.
- It is high in Vitamin C which help protecting against illness and infection.