What is pruning and why is it done?
Pruning is cutting of branches for following reasons: –
- Initiating flowers for next season.
- Removing weak, diseased and criss-cross branches.
- Canopy management.
- Better root growth.
- Make branches stronger. So, a greater number of flowers & fruits can be taken.
What are the different methods of pruning?
Pruning is of two types:
- Hard pruning: In this type of pruning branches of thumb or more thickness (Secondary and tertiary) is cut. This is done to control the vegetative growth of the plant.
- Light pruning: In this type of pruning branches of pencil thickness (Tertiary and branches coming out of tertiary) are half cut. This initiate flowering (i.e., after 20 -30 days of light pruning). Branches having thickness less than of pencil and growing inwards are also removed.
Materials required
Sharp Secateur
Saw (in hard pruning)
Bordeaux mixture (fungicide)
How to do pruning?
Pruning during non-fruiting phase – (0-2 years)
Initially pruning is done to maintain the stature, shape and canopy. (As per training or followed training)
Pruning for plants above 2 years
- Pruning is done usually in the time when days are cloudy & temperature decreases. In Chhattisgarh pruning is done within 1st week of June.
- Select pencil thick branches and cut into half and remove the half portion of its total growth.
- Now check for branches that are growing inward or crisscross, remove those branches.
- Growers should keep in mind pencil thick branches will flower profusely after pruning, while it may not be the same with thicker branches.
- Dispose all the plant debris out of the orchard same day, as it may be the shelter for insects & fungus.
- Apply Bordeaux mixture on cut surface or spray copper oxy chloride @ 2gms/lit after pruning to prevent any fungal infection.
Bordeaux Paste:
Method –
- Mix 5 Kg of Lime in 10 liters of water and leave overnight (12 hours).
- Mix 5 kg of blue copper in 10 liters of water in the other vessel and leave it for 12 hours. After that, mix the solution of both the buckets well together and paint the plants.
DOs and DONTs:
- DOs >Always use sharp secateurs and saw for cutting branches.
- DONTs >Do not use blunt implements for cutting branches.
- DOs >Disinfect the implements regularly with ethanol.
- DONTs >Do not use implements having fungal or bacterial infections.
- DOs > Collect and dispose all plant debris after pruning.
- DONTs >Do not allow cut branches and debris to remain in orchard after pruning